Nadia – Nutritionist



Let me introduce my self

I graduated from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of Crete with 7, 03 at 2017. Because education is a lifelong adventure, I completed my postgraduate training in ‘Clinical Dietetics’ at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. From the beginning of my studies until today, I continue to follow closely the latest developments in my field by participating in numerous conferences and seminars.

In addition, nutritional counseling skills for goal setting and the right approach are important. This led me to attend postgraduate programs: ‘Counseling Psychology and Sociology for All’ at the University of the Aegean, Life Coaching and Mindfulness of the New Skills Academy CPD, Introduction to KDBM Counseling and Art Therapy seminars. 

Furthermore, in order to better understand the human body at a molecular level and the nutritional effect on it, led me to choose my Master program ‘Molecular Nutrition’ at Harokopio University.

Research – Speech

My great interest in the field of research led me to participate in the research program ‘Archimedes III’ of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of Crete in primary school children in order to promote Healthy Eating in children.

I gave a speech on the topic “Gestational Diabetes: Risk Factors & Nutritional Treatment” at the 3-day event held under the auspices of the 7th Ministry of Health of Crete.

Professional experience

I completed my internship at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Aretaio Hospital, Department of Nutrition in which I felt joy and confidence in my profession. So I continued my volunteer work for another 6 months.

Moreover, while living in Crete I worked for a tourism company and had a primary obligation to educate people about the authentic Cretan diet and its health benefits.  Afterward, I worked with the company ‘Sunny Winter in Crete’, where I was in charge of the diet programs in the 4 collaborating hotels. Thus, I presented educational seminars on the Cretan diet and its effects on health in multiple hotels (5*).

At present, along with Seven Oceans healing & spa, I work for the Euphoria Retreat hotel, a holistic well-being destination spa, as a nutritionist, I give lectures about nutrition and in collaboration with the executive chef we organize the cooking lessons.

Manual dexterity
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